Best in Philly

Halal Food

The Best Halal Food

My Growing Story
It all started when I was 11 years old. I began admiring cooking shows .  I would glue myself to the television in amazement and excitement waiting to see what the chefs were going to cook up. The skill set many of the chefs had and how they could manipulate food to look like an art show completely left me in awe. I was the one cooking for our family of eight due to my mother working long hours. It allowed me to experiment with different seasoning and foods we didn’t typically eat. My favorite chef to watch growing up was Rachel Ray, I loved watching 30 minute meals.  Ever since then I knew cooking was my calling.  I knew I wanted to become a chef, have my own food truck or restaurant one day.
Fresh From the Kitchen

All Fresh Halal Meat

Delightful – Delicious – Delectable 

Why They Love Our Food